all your base are belong to us: Just so folks are clear.

The violence in DC during the EC was not organic. It was orchestrated. It accomplished several goals, one being shutting down debate on Election Fraud & preventing evidence from being written into the Congressional Record
Something else it did, if you paid close attention, was identified those who are entirely "Controlled Opposition" & those who are trapped in the "Narratives" of the day. Basically, it ID'd your enemies from those who aren't actively trying to destroy you.
Those who came out denouncing the violence initially but have since backtracked & correctly pointed out the Antifa involvement are those that are trapped in "Narratives". They will respond in a very predictable way on all issues, be it racism, sexism, etc etc. They are trapped.
They wrongly believe that they need to adopt those positions but play "verbal Jiu jitzu" within the Narrative Arch. They've been conditioned to use "Words that work" to try & score points. These people aren't bad people necessarily, just endemic of our ruling class.
They want to be invited back on Fox News or to the Cocktail parties. Molly Hemmingway comes to mind. A good person I'm sure, just highly risk averse. She is not to be faulted out of hand, she is smart, & after yesterday is well aware of what will befall someone who strays.
If you still watch Cable News (you dumb if you do) notice the faces that are no longer there. Notice the ones who are still invited back. You see, the victors are going scorched earth. They will destroy the "remnant". They can't have a figure like Trump at the head of 70 million
They don't just want him gone, they want us to reject him & get back on the GOPe train. So all our figures that we thought we on our side, well, if they were, they are done. Finished. IRS audits, FBI investigations, boycotts, loans called etc etc. Those folks are done in DC.
If they weren't on "our side" they will be "rehabilitated" & used as "mavericks" ala John McCain to give the impression that the Party has some diversity. Watch for them, they will be obvious. Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, your freedom caucus people. They exist by design.
Watch who they attack & how they do it. that will tell you who they perceive their real threats are. Notice, they don't say crap about Gen Flynn. Why are they not concerned? Because he's not a threat. Never was. His deal was a message to the other Generals. Don't get a big head.
The next 100 days will be telling. But it will make clear to anyone that is paying attention, any illusions you've had about how the sausage is made should be gone. Trump caught them by surprise. "That shit won't happen again" is what all the current actions are about.
This entire 4 year effort has been building to this point. They set out to destroy MAGA. Not just coopt it, like the Tea Party, no MAGA is a threat, they mean to destroy it. Linda Graham statements today are not bluster. He means exactly what he says. If you've been a bad boy...
These events should also make clear who runs the GOPe. The Bush dynasty. This was revenge of the Bush's. Make no doubt about it. All this bullshit, over the past 4 years came straight out of TX & the former Bush Admin. They did it, & they want people to know they did it.
Open Communications is a thing. Bush's statements, Barr's Statements etc etc. So as you watch events unfold put that all into perspective. BTW, it should be clear to everyone now that all this Conspiracy Q shit wasn't a larp. It was an OP. Carefully planned & executed.
All these blue check marks, all of them, are part of that same OP. Cerno, Poso, Ali, on & on. Going forward, learn to see that stuff for what it is. If something tugs at you emotionally, better think twice before you buy in. They prey on your heart & your ignorance.
Last point, this is the tough one, this can't get fixed by just an election. You have power, incredible power, but it got squandered with Trump. He gave you the words, but he failed to secure his rear. At some point, we need to accept that. He had plenty of warning. He was told.
He CHOSE not to listen to those people that genuinely knew what they were doing. At some point we need to own that. Yea they cheated, yea they screwed him big time, but he never took charge of his Gov't. He let the GOPe do all that & simply gave speeches. He made a huge mistake.
This is not to denigrate Trump, I can't imagine what it must have been like to be completely surrounded by all those vipers. Even his children undermined him. Tough sledding for any human being. But moving forward, we need to acknowledge our problems don't get fixed by a "Person"
Our power, is, and has always been, in our consent. The more tyrannical they get, the closer to victory we are. Take a serious look at what you spend your money & your time on. IF you think gunning up is gonna fix shit, you're stupid. We need to take back those institutions.
To do that, is going to be long haul. It will get much worse before it gets better. Embrace the horror. Cancel your cable, pay off as much of your loans as you can. Get to know your neighbors. And change your voter registration. Leave the GOPe. Don't buy their bullshit. Don't.
There will opportunities to exercise your power. When they present themselves be ready to step up. If you watch National Sports of any kind, you are giving them your power. Don't do it. The "brand loyalty" we need is not to a Party or College Football team. That's why we're here
Breath. Look around you & decide, deliberately, to participate or not. Removing your consent is an everyday state of mind. Don't buy into the bullshit. It will cost you friends & family members. So be it. Their feelings are not your responsibility. Remove your consent, legally
You vote with every single dollar you spend. Think about that. Cherish the little victories. Find them daily. The super bowl should be the worst ever. Don't go to movies, ever. There are so many ways to remove your consent. Here is the deal, THEY ALL MATTER.
These people are beneath contempt. They only have power b/c we've not done our own jobs. Allowing these Q people & all the rest of this bullshit to perpetuate was shirking out duty, to ourselves. Same goes w/ language. Self censoring your speech is the equivalent to taking a knee
Time to embrace the horror. They abandoned us, they left us, they betrayed their Oaths, not us. We shouldn't sit buy & drink beer & cheer millionaires to play games. We should be shoring up our own lives, so we can rise when necessary, when we have a chance of winning. Till then
Little Victories. They mean more than you know. Now you know the truth, don't shy away from it. This is a marathon not a sprint. Train like it. Prepare accordingly.

just sayin.
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