I know this may come out of nowhere and feel uncomfortable for some. But lots of people made a killing over the past 4 years, while never really challenging the mayhem, the hatred, the death-dealing. 1/
The Rs who hitched their wagon the star of @realDonaldTrump are easy pickings'. But what about those in finance who watched the stock market soar while they ignored what was happening. They even may vote D, but they were happy to make millions during this reign of error. 2/
Then there are the journalists and editors who never could call a lie a lie, just month after month traded in the "both sides" narrative around COVID19 because, well, you know, we all went to the same schools, run in the same social circles, and it will all work itself out. 3/
Then the Democrats who never quite smelled the stench of death over the past few months and kept playing footies with @senatemajldr who was the death-dealer-par-excellence. 4/
Hundreds of thousands of people have died. @realDonaldTrump has much of the responsibility for this. But what about the rest of us? 5/
Oh and yes, plenty of people fought, but plenty of people watched. Just watched. There is something to be said about that passivity, that willingness to keep on movin' on as others suffer, which will always stick in my craw. end/
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