I actually want to address this (but don't attack this account) because a lot of leftists are ableist.

Look, I'm obviously for a revolution because capitalism is so dangerous to me anyways, but many, many leftists have told me & my friends we can be sacrifices for communism 🙃. https://twitter.com/JokerBecomer/status/1347078832789053440
Probably a lot more disabled people would be on board with a revolution if leftists stopped telling us to die.

To be totally transparent, this is a middle class disabled account. Right now I'm living in the suburbs in a decent sized house with my parents.
But once my parents are gone, I have no where to go. If I can't find people to rely on, I just die. I have no steak in keeping this system alive because it does not intend to keep me alive. Most disabled ppl are in a similar or worse position unless they were born rich & white.
And even in my position, I don't find myself wanting to work with leftists who either outright see me as a sacrifice or will still leave me to die because they have no plans or place in their work for people like me. I don't see the point in participating in a revolution that
intends to use whatever work I can do and then leave me to die anyways.

I'm still a leftist and I actually think liberal ideology is a massive problem in the disabled community, but maybe we shouldn't be surprised if we can't find ourselves in leftism and the leftists we run
into at worse want to literally kill us all off and at best see us as optional charity cases they can do on the side.
Disabled people are revolutionary. A lot of us come to many leftist ideas on our own even if we aren't introduced to theory and still carry a lot of liberal misconceptions.

But by and large, leftist movements have a massive, violent problem with ableism and it's going to end up
hurting all of us.
To any disabled people reading this though, I do want to emphasize that liberalism is just as dangerous to us, if not more so, than ableist communists. Capitalism is inherently ableist and we should be studying leftist theory in order to overthrow it.
As well, we need to make our own movements and our own theory. There are and always have been people doing this work, but it's not enough. And we can't afford not to be doing this work anymore.
Too many of us are dying of homelessness, covid, eugenics, capitalist forces in general, etc., for us to keep begging politicians to change, integrating more disabled people into capitalist workplaces and signing petitions.
Only a few decades ago we were working with the Black Panthers to demand our rights, not beg. Communism is not inherently ableist the way capitalism, including liberalism, is and we don't have to be a sacrifice to the revolution. We can be full participants.
We can work together to build a society where everyone is cared for and protected, where indigenous sovereignty is recognized, where queer people are respected and where we have real religious freedom outside of Christian hegemony.
Communists who are dedicated to their ableism as well as white supremacy/colonialism, queermisia, etc., cannot do that. But that shouldn't stop us from trying so long as we put disabled and queer BIPOC at the forefront.
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