I'd like to recount how my governor, @andrewcuomo, has led New York during the pandemic:

1. Didn't act while the virus initially took hold & made New York the global epicenter of the virus. https://www.propublica.org/article/two-coasts-one-virus-how-new-york-suffered-nearly-10-times-the-number-of-deaths-as-california
5. Could it get even worse? You bet.

In May, Cuomo gave immunity—a liability shield—to nursing home & hospital execs who negligently got their patients killed by COVID. He removed the incentive for them to be more cautious.

Oh, and guess what?
8. These county plans have been tested for months, sometimes years, and are meant to be implemented during times exactly like these. Instead, Cuomo is only allowing hospitals to administer vaccines. Remember all the campaign cash he's gotten from the hospital lobby? Yeah.
10. A few days later, vaccinations are still very behind. Surely Cuomo will let non-health workers—say, the elderly people he put at risk—get shots, right?

Nope. Absolute madness. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-07/nyc-s-de-blasio-blames-state-for-thousands-of-unused-vaccines?sref=uYHHCFbx
11. So who is Cuomo friends with? Who does he invite in to help coordinate health strategy? Guys like the CEO of this hospital system. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/05/nyregion/coronavirus-medical-debt-hospitals.html
12. Andrew Cuomo is a very powerful, extremely corporate Democrat whose father was also governor. He worked w/ Republicans and renegade Democrats to stymie progressive state legislation. Sadly, he won his last two elections vs. progressive women easily. This is who NY wanted.
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