If over a million people wanted to riot and storm the capital, they would have burnt the city to the ground. There would have been more than a handful of police securing the building. There would have been carnage, mass chaos, and worse. No. That’s not what happened. Anybody..
..with logic or was there knows what happened. The same playbook again. Police escorted antifa into the city. Police allowed a handful beyond blockades, and antifa engaged in attacking the Capitol. 1 mil+ “rioters” would not have just stolen a podium, banged a gavel, and messed..
..with Nancy Pelosi’s computer. Insanity. I was there all day. The President gave a speech and said “we caught them in real time”, and shortly after, that’s when the chaos instigated by a handful of punks began. We The People sang songs, praised Jesus, and..
..stood for our President to simply remind Congress we will not tolerate a stolen election in which the fraud was so obvious even 30% of democrats recognize the falsity of Nov 3rd. Afterwards, Congress reconvenes after a FF shooting in which there was no crime scene, Congress led
..back into the “People’s House” to cite scripture, cute our founding fathers, while comparing patriots to domestic terrorists on 9/11. Easily the most disgusting day in recent memory. BLM and Antifa literally get away with murder, actual riots, and full on destruction of our..
..cities, communities, and small businesses across our nation for 9+ months. Nobody cared when the left stormed federal buildings over Kavanaugh, co-opted Pelosi speeches (angry “dreamers”), or intimidate sitting patriot officials like Josh Hawley and others.
Multiple republicans have dropped dead in a matter of 3 days. Harrison Deal was murdered as a signal to GA rinos to shut their traps. No investigation. Nobody cared. Not the media. Not Congress. Not even police. Yesterday was a carefully planned coup attempt on our President,
..and MAGA was framed once again. Big tech seems fine with censoring the President of the United States, who is still President until January 20th. At this point wherever POTUS has to do, he should do it.

Why would the uni-party attempt impeachment/25th amendment if Biden won?
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