How do you know their religion, Rana? They could have been an Indian of any religious background (Ex: Indian American Christians support the Republican Party significantly more than Hindus). Oh, right! Hinduphobic assumption making is your favorite fast pastime.
Denigrating the word “Hindu” is key here. Don’t expect much more from someone who shared the content of a well known Twitter Islamist (OpusofAli) on her Instagram. @washingtonpost somehow feels that this is acceptable. Would Rana still have a job if she said “Jewish . . .
supremacists alongside White supremacists. Are we surprised?” just because someone flew Israeli flags at this debacle? She rightfully would have been sacked. But since it’s Hindus, who are punching bags for Rana and most of the American media, @washingtonpost will let it slide!
And lo & behold. “Vincent Xavier” is the Indian who carried that flag. So very Hindu, right @RanaAyyub? Lol, not even surprised anymore. “Let’s blame it on Hindus” has been the operating guidebook for most Western journalists in recent times.
He is a practicing Roman Catholic / Syrian Christian. BTW, I don’t care what his religion is. It shouldn’t have mattered. But when certain journalists deliberately communalize and spread fake Hinduphobic propaganda using this incident, you know how much standards have fallen.
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