When asked WHY they attacked the Capitol rioters asked, "what are we supposed to do? They're taking our freedoms...they're making us socialist..."

Ok, who's taking away which of your freedoms?
Or is it just that when people want equal treatment you don't like it?
What socialism?
Just exactly which socialist programs don't you like?

Social security?
A fire department?
Street sweepers?
Snow plows?

Which freedoms are being taken away, exactly?

You people need to turn off faux newspeak fraudcasting doublethink network & fight wing media.
One of these idiots said, "it's what we've gotta do... look, it's Wednesday, I'm supposed to be at work...shhh."

Dude, you're fired, dickhead... no employer is gonna sign your checks any longer.

You're all on video committing felonies against the United States of America.

Ted Cruz said, on the senate floor
Yesterday, "32% of Americans believe this election was fraudulent."

Yeah, of course they do!

You've been feeding them this shit since before the LAST election.

You & your fellow, complicit, tRump sycophantic supplicants & faux newspeak.

Maybe try doing what Mitt Romney suggested...

"don't feed into their delusions, if you want to help your constituents, TELL THEM THE TRUTH."

There was a sustained, bipartisan, round of applause...


When was the last time THAT happened?

Not recently.
Even before being arrested and charged many of these insurgents have been doxxed.
(a little trick THEY love to use against liberals)
They got fired from their jobs.

The same people who said
in 2016...just threw the biggest tantrum in American history.
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