At some point I need to be done talking about this for a little while so I will lay out my thoughts in this thread few will probably read entirely.

The attack on the capitol, that that is what is was, was a violent attempt at sedition. It was treason, it was terrorism.
Those who stormed the capitol openly stated that their goal was to start a revolution, to kick off a second American civil war. At the rally that preceded these events they were chanting 1776 and cheering as Alex Jones glorified war against Satanic globalist puppets.
It was a pathetic and failed attempt, but an attempt none the less and attempting to downplay or sweep this under the rug is tacit endorsement of treason.

Seditionists threw the American flag to the ground replacing it with Trump's. That is who they are loyal to, not America
If this is too extreme a view for you, you are welcome to ignore me, argue with me, block or mute me but I will not move from this position. I watched live as the rally happened, I watched the attack, I heard the witnesses, their aims were clear.
To try and convince me that this was just a protest that got a little out of hand would be like trying to convince me that a terrorist who screams "god is great" before blowing himself up was not inspired by religious extremism.
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