If Boris Johnson had deciding a question was pejorative and online supporters then flocked a lobby journalist who had asked the right questions at the right time, then there would be unanimous support from across media and it'd be a leading story. Sturgeon does it, not so much. https://twitter.com/ChrisMusson/status/1347262479752114176
And if your response is that 'Sure, it's a leading story in Scotland but not the rest of the UK' then I'm sorry but maybe you've just missed the Scottish First Minister, whose entire career is about destroying our country, trying to silence questions over her record.
Do you recall with how much spite and bile Sturgeon would say the word Trump? Well, she did this in very much wide awake memory of when her own activists picketed outside the BBC to accuse the news organisation of being 'anti-Scottish'.

Nationalism lads. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-29196912
The SNP and Sturgeon have a dire record when it comes to the free press and @HumzaYousaf's Hate Crime Bill is no exception. The Scottish Justice Secretary, when asked if he would take journalists to court for 'insulting' language, said he would.

Very glad to see other Scottish political journalists call out abuse and the implicit allowance and encouragement of online targeting of certain publications and journalists that has become all too common under the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon. https://twitter.com/AlanRoden/status/1347340636912025608?s=19
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