On Wednesday, Montana will be the first state to hold hearings on dangerous anti-trans bills in 2021. We need your help! The House Judiciary Committee will be voting on HB 112 and HB 113 (links below). These bills bar trans people from sports and ban health care for trans minors.
HB 112 is a carbon copy of Idaho's HB 500 which has been preliminarily enjoined because the court found it likely violated the Constitution and was passed due to animus and not because of any important gov't objective. https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2021/billpdf/HB0112.pdf
HB 113 is a ban on health care for trans youth. It would punish doctors for treating trans young people consistent with the standards of care. It would immediately jeopardize trans lives. https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2021/billpdf/HB0113.pdf
In the middle of a pandemic, in the second week of session, Montana is prioritizing these insidious attacks on trans youth. No one deserves this. Kids will die.
If you are from Montana please contact your representatives immediately and tell them to oppose HB 112 and HB 113. If you are outside of Montana please raise awareness about these bills. We need lawmakers to know that we are watching and fighting for our trans youth.
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