Okay I'm watching a video and it describes the "now's not the time" reaction to literally anything, and the thing is, it isn't just about major tragedies. It's about you. It's about your health, right now. Stuff we've all been asking ourselves this pandemic.
It has never been the right time for me to stop drinking. It's probably not the right time for you to stop smoking. It's not your neighbor's time to stop murdering their spouse. This is a fallacy we need to combat.
We have to talk about the tragedies and problems as they happen and directly after. It may feel too soon, we may need time, but none of us have that luxury. There is no time anymore. If we don't talk about it, we'll forget it. We'll keep going and nothing will get better.
Obviously most of us can take these constant barrages of bad news and not become completely catatonic. I understand the survival instinct. The smallness of our individual worlds. Events slide off me like water off a duck's back.
We can't continue forward without excising the cancer in our government. Some people can't wait two or three weeks for a transition of power to simply BEGIN. People are hungry and homeless. Non-citizens with no rights in cages. Plus this transition will be horribly stunted.
This started as a "the same thing happening to our country is happening within each and every one of us" but now it's like "please someone fucking do something" oops lol
Please fight the shitty government and please get therapy and... idk do what you gotta do. I'm not good at speeches or promos lol
If I lost you halfway that's understandable, don't worry about it
I almost certainly have ADHD, the jury is out
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