So here’s what I’ve gathered so far since yesterday between videos and witnesses who were there. It APPEARS as though MAGA supporters who were at the capitol we let up to the building by the police and several accounts have said they were told the POTUS ordered it
So supporters go up on the steps thinking it’s with Trump’s permission since that’s what officials were telling them. My guess is, this was to get supporters up close to frame. Once ppl surrounded the bldg, there are videos showing agitators attempting to break in.
Videos also show MAGA supporters calling these ppl out and even stopping their attempts and pulling the agitators away from the bldg.
Then they “breach” and enter the bldg. there’s videos of ppl walking through, staying inside the ropes and being directed where to go by officials and police. I believe these were actual supporters.
There’s another video floating around that shows the line of ppl leaving out the doors and doors being closed behind them, even though you can still see others inside.🤔
All of the pics of anyone inside offices or in the chamber look staged AF. Also there’s very few ppl in them. If all these MAGA supporters supposedly took over the bldg, why did only a couple go anywhere other than the roped off path laid out?
Later in the day pic and posts start to emerge marching up the few ppl who strayed from the group to Antifa/BLM protests. Keep in mind there were the usual “counter protests” happening that occurred any other time MAGA groups showed up to DC.
We see several of these random ppl with backwards hats on, coincidently just like instructed in Antifa posts that have been circulating social media the whole week before. Many pics surfacing now showing the staging of certain photos that were allowed to go viral yesterday.
And then there’s that shooting. It also seems off, but still trying to process how that fits in. I can say my gut has the same feeling about that as it did during the whole Covington fiasco.🤔
Anyhoo, to sum it up I believe paid and organized agitators were allowed places that other ppl weren’t as part of the set up to blame this on Trump and his supporters. I also believe there were some well meaning patriots who let their emotions control them that day and got
Roped into the trap to blame for the commotion. I’m sure more will be revealed and come out, but that’s just what I’ve noticed so far.🤷‍♀️
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