I have been talking about a certain booktuber who discusses #wot and has now made blatantly terrible comments and been called out more than once.

I have some general thoughts that I hope my fellow #wheeloftime content creators will consider and please RT if you agree.

Anytime you interact with someone else’s tweet let alone invite someone on your platform you are amplifying certain voices. And you are also choosing to amplify some voices over others by necessity, as there are many content creators and only so much time and attention to give.
Right now our little fan community is relatively quite small but that is going to change in a big way this year. Regardless of how successful #wotonprime is it will inevitably draw in many new fans and content creators will have a wider audience to pull from.
We have already seen that diversity in casting the show has brought out some nasty elements in online fandom. Those elements can be amplified & catered to or they can be discouraged. Content creators will be a part of one or the other. Ignoring something doesn’t eliminate it.
There will undoubtedly be more of hateful responses in online fandom when the show comes out and changes from the books are inevitably made. I could write the script right now without even knowing the specifics.

We will have a lot of work to do to combat that kind of bias.
So when you are interacting with other content creators on social media or even more so inviting them on your platforms, I would encourage you to think very carefully about the voices you want to amplify and the perspectives that need to be heard that probably get less exposure.
As it is, and as much as I love nearly every single one of them, the biggest names in the #wheeloftime fandom tend to be white, straight males. Seriously, no shade on anyone except the one individual (I’m not naming him here to call more attention, please DM if you want info).
But WoT is a diverse series. We need different perspectives in the fandom & creators. But algorithms being what they are we’re not just going to magically get the diverse array of perspectives that would benefit the community. So if you have a platform think about how you use it.
I would welcome any fellow content creators with a bigger platform than mine to RT if you agree.

This fandom has so much that is wonderful in it and I want to protect that as it gets much larger!
#TwitterOfTime #Dragonsworn #WoTonPrime
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