I see a lot of folks saying why are liberals and people in the press more outraged by yesterday's insurrection than by BLM protests this summer. Well, there are some differences.
1. BLM has never attempted a coup. They protested in petition for government reform, not insurrection in pursuit of control of government.
2. 93% of BLM protests were nonviolent. Some protesters committed crimes. Most were arrested and prosecuted.
3. The worst violence was committed by Boogaloo, Patriot Prayer, and Proud Boys. The bomb at Laurelhurst Park - Proud Boy. The shooting of police, Boogaloo. Several fires in Portland, Patriot Prayer
4. Much of the violence that happened at BLM protests began with police over-reaction and police rioting. The violence at the insurrection began with police passivity and complicity.
And lastly, in 2017 500,000+ women unhappy with the election marched and did not get anyone killed because they did not try to overthrow the government. In 1995, over 800,000+ Black men protested without violence & didn't try to overthrow the government
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