Enough is Enough!

During the month of December, in the span of just one week, three Black Muslim women faced violent threats and attacks at the hands of white supremacist in Edmonton, Alberta.
The number of white supremacist organizations continue to rise and our communities are at a higher risk of danger. Muslim women experience discrimination at disproportionately higher rates and we need to take action now before it’s too late.
Here are three action items you can do now to join the campaign:

1. Like and share this post.

2. Sign our petition demanding that Premier Kenney, Leader Notley, and all Mayors in Alberta release a joint plan on how they will stop street harassment. http://NCCM.ca/Southgate 
3. Donate to NCCM to help support victims of Islamaphobia: http://NCCM.ca/victimsupport 

No More Violence Against Muslim Women
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