Form a national-populist party and you'll have 10s of millions of members overnight. You'll scoop up everyone swearing right now to never vote Republican again.
You could call it the "Heartland Party," or even the "Flyover Party"
"Auditioning for New Elites"
"A Third Party for the Majority"
"Stop the Cold War at Home"
Attack the elites directly: libel laws tailored for Big Media, seize the endowments of elite institutions, use intellectual copyright laws against Hollywood, social media can only exclude direct threats and illegal activity
Break up D.C.--send departments to different parts of the country
Oppose any law that creates or assumes different categories of Americans, except for male and female.
Follow up on and strengthen Trump policies on trade and immigration.
Demand election transparency--hand counted ballots, no machines.
If you want to push it: democracy and rule of law are means, not ends--meant to ensure harmony between elites and the people.
You'll have to get by with member funded party to avoid corporate capture; in return, take measures to encourage participation--quotas for veterans and members from across the country in leadership roles
Primary Republicans--keep open the possibility and threat of a hostile takeover; but run against them in general when strategically advisable.
Establish media outlets and staff them with the best MAGA people, let others apply, of course.
You can follow @bouvard38829538.
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