Of everyone who needs to be identified and arrested, I think this guy might be at the top of the list. https://twitter.com/CharCubed/status/1346943237882314752
Can you imagine if yesterday had turned into a hostage situation, with crazies holding Members of Congress hostage or shooting them and throwing bodies out the front door? As if Michigan wasn't enough warning, State Houses everywhere need to tighten up security.
A woman was arrested yesterday holding 11 molatov cocktails. It's truly amazing no one set any major fires yesterday inside the Capitol Building.
What happened Jan 6th was best case scenario. I mean, if you told me thousands of vandals would sack the US Capitol, the outcome was as good as it could've gone. No one fired automatic weapons into a crowd. No hostages. No fires even. Here's a good thread. https://twitter.com/LukeRussert/status/1347520955069960192?s=19
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