Forever thinking about how in 2009, Republicans got all up in a snit that DHS would dare say that white supremacists are the biggest domestic terror threat and impugn our vets by warning that they were vulnerable to recruitment
Conservatives were sure that this was a broadside against them (which is in itself telling) and then-House Minority Leader John Boehner took a swipe at Sec. Napolitano over it. She was forced to apologize to vetrans for offending them and work on white supremacy was shelved
I sometimes wonder what would have happened over the last few years if the reaction had been instead “oh no, this is a real problem! We’d better work on this” Guess we’ll never know!
Oh, how rude of me, a link to the shelved report: "Rightwing Extremism:
Current Economic and Political
Climate Fueling Resurgence in
Radicalization and Recruitment”
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