Curative, the company that makes the tests, processes 35,000 samples a day from LA, according to its CEO.

Overall, LA County is testing around 85,000 people a day, so Curative testing makes up a huge portion of that. They run testing at the massive site at Dodger Stadium.
The FDA warns that Curative tests should be "limited to symptomatic individuals."

This is so different from what LA officials have been promoting: testing for everyone, symptoms or not.

In fact, testing of asymptomatic people has been a major point of pride for LA.
The FDA notice doesn't differentiate between the oral and nasal swabs. I'm not sure if LA Curative sites use nasal swabs -- I've only ever seen oral. But there have been concerns in the past about oral swabs not being sensitive enough.
In June, LA health services director Dr. Christina Ghaly said that too many false negatives had convinced them to switch from oral to nasal swab. But that hasn't happened uniformly across LA County.
Ghaly: "While oral approach was effective, studies -- multiple studies -- have shown that a switch to the nasal swab is better and leads to a better specimen collection, better sensitivity and will lead to fewer false negative test results."
tldr; don't roam free, ignore pandemic precautions, go to your high-risk job and then get a test and decide you're not infected with the coronavirus. even better tests than this one have false negatives. a test is not a passport to do whatever you want.
how Curative became LA's provider of COVID tests:

“Mayor Garcetti is incredibly grateful for their partnership," said the mayor's spokesman.
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