(1) I don’t care if they call us conspiracy theorists. We saw what we saw!

We were witnesses to a setup; a staged event meant to drive the final nail into the coffin of MAGA, and seize control of public operation once and for all.

But you must ask yourself these questions:
(2) Question: Where was Antifa?

We know Antifa was sent to DC by the busload. Some even had police escorts.

Yet, where were they? They were nowhere to be seen all day Jan 6.

Well, we saw them—in MAGA gear, trying to rile the crowd and storming the Capitol. This was planned.
(3) Where was BLM?

BLM was nowhere to be seen all day on Jan 6.

Does this sound like BLM behavior?

Nope. They were told to lay low so they didn’t dilute the narrative that Trump’s supporters were behind the violence. This was part of the plan.
(4) Why would they orchestrate an attack on the Capitol?

The deep state knew the GOP was too cowardly to push back on the fraudulent election.

But an event so “deplorable” gave those who were playing both sides the out they needed to fully abandon Trump—and they did. Planned.
(5) Why were so many of the Capitol Police so relaxed and unconcerned—even after the Capitol was “breached” and shots fired?

We witness this. Many were acting like there was nothing to worry about. Even joking around with people.

Wouldn’t you expect them to be on high alert?
(6) Why did the Capitol Police seem so unprepared for a large group?

They knew weeks in advance that there could be millions of people marching on the Capitol.

There were very few officers on duty. Someone wanted it to be very easy for people to get into the Capitol.
(7) This one is the most disturbing question of all:

Why is the deep state now pushing so hard to have Trump removed from office—less than 2 weeks before he is scheduled to leave anyway???

This is why. It’s to send a message to us!!!! This is the message👇
(8) The deep state can’t just let Trump leave office at the end of his term.

They have to crush the very idea of Trump.

They have to destroy our faith in him.

They have to destroy what he stood for and fought for—that the people have the power, and this is our country.
(9) They have to discredit Trump and all of us who support him.

They have to smear him (and us) so severely that it will deter anyone else who might dare to challenge the deep state’s supremacy ever again.

This was an all-out assault on Americans who believe in America.
(10) This plan was to not only destroy Trump, but to destroy MAGA in the eyes of the world.

They planned it.
They carried it out.
The MSM put their spin on it.
Even the cowardly GOP played their part to put-down our belief in America.

Don’t let them win!
#MAGA must continue!
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