1/3 @TedCruz, The election’s integrity was ensured by the election officials and governors who certified the votes in all 50 states & the judges who dismissed 59 court cases claiming fraud due to lack of evidence. You were not ensuring election integrity, nor was that your job. https://twitter.com/tedcruz/status/1347243715182661633
2/3-You were pandering to @realDonaldTrump ‘s base for your own personal, political gain, and in the process, you lent credibility to the lie that the election had been stolen, which led directly to yesterday’s attack. So @AOC is 100% correct to call out your accountability.
3/-Yes, the people who attacked The Capitol were despicable terrorists. But the most despicable attack on our democracy yesterday came from you and your colleagues who voted against the will of the people. You are personally responsible—both for their attacks and for your own.
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