Do folks realise that when health appointments can only be made by phone call, they’re setting d/Deaf, HoH, and some autistic folks up not just for healthcare inaccessibility but also for a complete lack of healthcare privacy due to a need to rely on partners/friends to get in?
Yes this is inspired by the immediate experiences of a friend but also it happens all the time! For my friends, for my clients, it is fucking never ending!
If you are an administrator or receptionist or IT person at even the smallest organisation, you can start helping to solve this access problem for d/Deaf, HoH and autistic people today!

Do you know how you’ll do it? Who will you need to approach to set up text-based options?
Like, genuinely - reply to this thread and tell me how you’re going to do this. What would need to happen for your org to be set up to let someone do not just a booking but *gasp* a whole appointment using text chat only?
And how are you going to make it obvious to people looking at your website that you will offer this option?
This too! Making their services possible to access is something they’re actually getting paid for, which sure isn’t true for service users or their abled supporters (or often fellow disabled supporters who just happen to have different disabilities - we help us).
Speaking of inaccessibility
When orgs offer phone calls as their only contact option, this is the impression they are making on their prospective service users. If you’re not ok with that, what are you going to do about it in your service?
This, too, is going on The List
You can follow @TheMonaOgg.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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