Lots of stuff happened on Capitol Hill yesterday.

All sorts of reflexivity and fertile fallacies.

And, if you haven't figured it out yet, you are only allowed to believe one version of the story and are allowed to only have one response.

Just like in late May.
(2) Any "takes" that were outside of what the established majority had prescribed would instantly brand you a racist, a bigot, a white supremacist.

And you were hedged, deleted, and banned if you thought for yourself.

Just like in March.
(3) In March if you had a different view on what should be done about the Wuhan Virus (which was what we called it at the time) you were told that you loved money over lives.

And if you had a different view about what should be done you were called a murderer, a monster.
(4) And if you haven't figured it out yet, you are now in the same cycle as in March and in May.

You are the recipient of Reflexivity in a rapidly constructing postmodern world.

A fake world.

But you must submit. You must abandon reason and debate.

You must believe.
(5) And debate that should have been had in front of a concerned America was pushed back -------- way back.

And several "conservatives" who promised to stand for voter integrity conveniently dropped.

And the debate was had in the wee hours of the morning.

And so...
(6) You are being played. Played like a cheap violin.

And if you care about voter integrity, if you care about the constitution, if you care about your liberties --- you will have the force of the state upon your neck from henceforth.

And you are letting them do this...
(7) And Donald Trump will never be allowed to comment on anything publicly in the future - even in Republican circles - without being accused of "hate" and "murder".

And they will seek to silence his voice after January 20th.

Republicans will be the first in line with knives
(8) And so our Government will go back to the dialectic: republicans pretending to be conservative and Progressives pushing past constitutional norms.

And they will usher in a new age: the 4th Industrial Revolution. A global technocracy. The end of liberty.
(9) And if you do nothing and say nothing about this giant fertile fallacy - this grand theater - you will be complicit.

And your faith leaders will encourage you to go the "new" way --- that is what all of this social justice and "anti-nationalism" campaign has been about.
(10) It has been about subduing men and women of faith - all faiths - as our "leaders" lead us like sheep to the slaughter.

The Great Reset.

Your move.
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