Sorry can we please use our language carefully. Schools are NOT “closed”. Teachers are not getting “extra holidays” they are teaching from home. You wouldn’t say it about any other person in the public sector. Are the banks and tax office “closed” just because...
Some members of staff are working from home. Teaching online is difficult. You have no idea. We have not been consulted in ANY of this. We are not “off”. Schools are not “closed”. Schools are moving online. Language is important. #edchatie #irishteachers #schoolclosures
My words will fall on deaf ears because we are always public enemy number 1. Why? Holidays. We don’t get a yearly bonus, company perks or cars. The reality is teachers work a lot more hours and assume multiple more roles than you think #irishteachers
You don’t go into teaching for money, look up the scale. We are not valued ever and that’s been made abundantly clear by this government. We constantly have to justify our job and we get the SAME joke every year about our holidays.
Many people experienced an enthusiastic teacher and think “ah sure how hard could it be??”. Nothing is said about other sectors. If you have a bad experience with a doctor should you tar other doctors?? Absolutely not. #edshareie
Therefore, stop putting us all in the one pot saying “we are doing nothing” but chilling at home. Countless teachers were in tears from the stress of this year, they were in schools interacting with hundreds and no PPE. Did you hear any complaints? #irishteachers #edshareie
A very good friend of mine is a primary school teacher. She went in yesterday and ensured every child has two books in her class to read until the end of January at home. She printed off numerous worksheets. Mad when she’s on her “holidays” and we are so “lazy” as a profession
Can I make it abundantly clear. Teachers are not comparing themselves to other professions such as nurses/doctors on the frontline. Teachers were not consulted about LC students. Also LC students expressed fear in returning but we are being blamed. We’re not consulted #educhat
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