I watched several hours worth of different livestreams of fascists getting into the capital. Here are my takeaways: 1/?
1) cops absolutely let people in. images of them moving barricades aside or just standing by as people flooded through doors. I've seen some people say this was a tactical choice due to the crowd size -- I personally don't buy that. 2/?
1) what seems more likely is that a few cops went rogue and let people in, because they are also fascists. I don't trust the state to investigate itself, so probably we'll never *truly* know. 3/?
2) Besides letting people in, cops showed more restraint than in any other protest / direct action I have seen or participated in. There are so many clips of them just standing around while crowds flood the building. 4/?
2) When they do start clearing the building, the energy was very "please leave in an orderly manner" as the cops escort the fascists out and down the steps. 5/?
3) Then there is the matter of cops being openly friendly with protestors. Taking selfies, shaking hands, and having friendly conversations with fascists INSIDE THE CAPITOL. This isn't surprising, but does reiterate the fact that these two groups do not see themselves as 6/?
3) enemies in any way. There are consistent calls to "join us" to the cops. The fascists talk to the cops and they nod and agree / express support. Two sides of the same coin. 7/?
4) I think we need more precise language about this being "a planned attack" vs. the spontaneous actions of a small group of fascists. Clearly some people came to DC with this and worse plans in mind (see: dude w handcuffs, pipe bombs, molotovs, etc.) 8/?
4) But watching the livestream it is clear that most people who got inside had absolutely no plan of what to do. They amble about, go into whatever room is closest that they can get into. Several times people ask where the chambers where the vote is happening are 9/?
4) and nobody knows, because no one knows the layout of the building. This was not an organized crowd or a crowd with a purpose / intent. My point in observing this is not to undercut the severity of what happened, but rather to remind us: next time it could be much worse. 10/?
5) White women are present in every clip / stream I have watched. Not like, an occasional white woman, but like every group of people has several women in it. Their innocence is sometimes weaponized when useful (ie when being pushed back by cops) but largely 11/?
5) they play just as active a role as do the men. They break windows, they burst into the building, they go into people's offices, etc. 12/?
6) Specifically on the matter of the woman who got shot: I've seen some libs and even leftists articulating her death as a tragic cost of today's overreach / Trump's rhetoric. This is bullshit. The incident is extremely well documented and unambiguous. 13/?
6) She was climbing through a smashed window to get to the area where electeds were still being evacuated from. She had a military background. There was a capitol security guard with a gun drawn giving warnings before she attempted to climb through the window, 14/?
6) which is when she got shot. She knew what she was doing, knew the risk of doing it, and tried it anyways. I'm personally not about to cry for a fascist shooting another fascist, but 15/?
6) if you feel compelled to: we can mourn the tragedy of her death after we spend years mourning all the people the state has killed via the PIC & all the people the US imperial machine has killed abroad. 16/?
7) There is a deeply felt white entitlement that underscores everything that happened. These people aren't scared because they have no reason to be. They didn't have a plan because they didn't think they needed one -- 17/?
7) they just figured if they wanted something bad enough, they would get it. And they were mostly right. No, they didn't "stop the steal" or overturn the results of the election. But by all metrics, yesterday was a massive success for fascists. 18/?
8) Finally: calling them "terrorists" and/or demanding a stronger response from the surveillance + repression aspects of the state will only expand the state's ability to do harm to Black + Indigenous movements that are resisting the violence of the settler state 18/?
8) The fascists need to be ID'd, doxxed, fired from their jobs, driven off social media and out of public life. When they gather in public they need to be met with force & numbers. This is harder and it is also IMO the situation we are in. 19/19
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