Y'all have GOT to stop equating suits, degrees and white collar jobs with "not POSSIBLY racist!"

We keep trying to tell you, you keep refusing to listen.
Like, the folks who literally ENSLAVED people weren't the country "bumpkins" you want to pretend they are. They were industry titans, bankers, lawyers, lawmakers etc. etc. etc. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
You can be racist in suit.
You can be racist in boot.
You can be racist in chair.
You can be racist on the Capitol stairs.
Y'all want violent, nationalist racists to have some universal identifiable marker so you can loudly declare yourself separate from them but honey, THERE AIN'T NONE.

NOW do you understand why Black folks have a VERY hard time trusting people?
I've had conversations with white acquaintances who are stunned, STUNNED, to learn that Black folks don't have an assumed feeling of safety while moving about the world. That we're CONSTANTLY surveilling our surroundings for danger and threats.

There's SO much catching up to do.
White supremacy depends HEAVILY on an intricate set of illusory moral markers to perpetuate itself. Meaning, it equates moral goodness to a bunch of UTTERLY meaningless things (education, job, clothing, dialect, body size) so that evil, violent acts can go unaccounted for.
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