My Geographers know this: it's about space. White people believe we have unfettered access to all spaces, no matter how sacred. Spatial hegemony is our patrimony, our manifest destiny. It extends from the bodies of non-whites to every street and park to the centers of all power.
The "spatial plot" of many spy/adventure movies is about the frisson and tension of white bodies NOT being allowed into spaces, and the white person eventually overcoming that embargo. National Treasure, Indiana Jones, etc.
It's BBQ Becky and Obama in the White House. It's @finneyoutloud on how whites consider black people 'out of place' in national parks. Geographers have been on this for years: the spatiality of protest and the territoriality of whiteness. But it's shocking to see how far it goes.
Far too many great writers to recommend, but if you Google Scholar "spatial protest geography race" you will come up with a plethora of great work by, among many others, the dear departed Lynn Staeheli, Don Mitchell, @patriciaehrkamp, @EJMcCann. Now go follow @blackgeogorg
This spatial ambition of whiteness is also, tbh, the story of all colonialism and most western mapping. But would be fun if someone with actual literary credentials looked into "the spatial plot" which I just transposed from Eugenedes' "Marriage Plot" off the cuff. Seems right?
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