My 2 cents: I've been trying to wrap my head around the sight of middle-class white men employing the kinds of tactics usually reserved for radical activists from oppressed communities and their allies: invading & occupying the halls of power. It's weird.
It's not an accident that Congress hasn't been forcibly occupied for 200 years. Only white men could do that and expect to live to tell the tale.
And usually they don't bother because they don't have to. They already occupy the halls of power. White mob violence is generally targeted at those beneath them on the economic, political or social ladder.
I think what we are witnessing is middle-class white men fighting back against an erosion of their power in society, symbolized by things like Trump's loss or the election a Black man and a Jewish man in Georgia.
While I don't think their power has reduced all that much (they didn't even have a real grievance to react to; they had to make one up: a stolen election), they feel their grip power has so loosened they have to resort to a good old fashioned looting to make themselves heard.
Except while we have to loot Target, they get to loot Congress. And their sense of entitlement is so profound, they are unafraid to be photographed doing it. Radical resistance tactics and privilege make for very strange political theater.
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