1/ “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the belief of things not seen” Hebrews 11:1. “Not seen” is key in this verse. Just because I can’t see victory happening, does not mean it is not happening. Just because I can’t feel victory happening...
2/...does not mean it is not happening. Do I trust God in the dark when everything around me seems hopeless, or do I stand/pray from a place of victory? Will I live my life based on what I feel/see, or will I live my life based on faith? What I believe about God...
3/...determines my decisions/actions. Our faith is a shield that protects us from the blows of our enemy. Proper faith is necessary, especially in the fog of war. #StandFirm #HoldTheLine
4/ Did you ever wonder why God waited until the last second to part the Red Sea on behalf of the Hebrews? I mean seriously…God could have parted the sea the day before pharaoh and his entire freaking army got within a mile of the entire nation of Israel.
5/ I believe God waited till the last second to split the Red Sea so that 1) God would be the only one to get the credit for Israel’s deliverance and 2) Israel got to witness the complete destruction of their enemies so that they would know how powerful God is.
6/ Trump is going to be the president for the next four years, but not through our talents or power. Yahweh will deliver us from a godless communist state through His power alone, probably at the last minute, so that only He can get the glory and so that all of us will know...
7/...how powerful He is (“The whole world is watching”). I’m not insinuating that we have no part to play. Far from it.  Obviously, we need to keep praying, fasting, & speaking truth. Our individual parts are very important, but ultimately, the victory belongs to the Lord God.
8/ “You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf” 2 Chronicles 20:17. #BidenWillNeverBePresident
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