It is at jarring times like this where society is reeling most from the lack of journalistic integrity within the mainstream media. It is for good reason that just 9% of Americans have "a great deal" of trust in media institutions, with 60% having little or no faith at all.
I would like to know how anti-Semites, climate change activists, and BLM protest attendees took front-and-center in a supposedly Trump-inspired riot (given his stance as the most philo-Semitic president in US history, a climate realist, and an outspoken critic of mob violence.)
Unfortunately, the current state of most of the news media is to engage in the exercise of simply identifying whichever take is most politically damaging to Trump, look no further, and become steadfast in the resilience against the dangers of being confused by the facts.
Commentators are po-facedly presenting the outrages on Capitol Hill yesterday as a sincere (and allegedly Trump-inspired) attempted "insurrection" (by a rag-tag group of unarmed hooligans in MAGA attire), led by these Neanderthals, who stopped to pose for a mid-coup photo shoot:
The hypocrisy is scandalous but typical. If nothing else, at least Trump has reunified the country in regarding riots as bad and law enforcement as good. That is, until the next left-wing protest turns violent.
If the DC swamp cared about unity, there'd be a bipartisan chorus demanding a transparent inquiry into election irregularities. The best outcome (for national unity) might be to determine that Trump lost fairly. I believe, Trump would accept the results of a fair investigation.
What could fix this all right now, is Joe Biden coming forward, reasserting that the election was free and fair, expressing his gratification at the apparent result, but nevertheless insisting action be taken to reassure the 80 million Americans who are concerned about fraud.
Instead, those millions of concerned citizens will be told to shut up and move on. Trump's disavowal of the violence of a minority of them will be mischaracterized and ignored, just like Charlottesville. (The video of him calling for peace was already scrubbed from social media.)
Instructing tens of millions of people who, justifiably or not, believe that they were disenfranchised to "make like a ballot box in the wee hours of November 4th" and "get stuffed," simply won't due.
Anyone who has managed the considerable effort required to continue to keep an open mind at this stage, should watch Tucker's monologue last night. Agree or disagree, he frames the deeply troubling state of affairs well.
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