Yesterday, the seat of our federal government and the heart of our American democracy came under seige in a heinous and violent assault. Today I provided an update on Maryland’s response as we continue to help defend our nation’s capital.
Maryland has sent the @MDNG into the District of Columbia, where they were the first state guard members to arrive. Today we are extending their mission through the inauguration and the end of the month.
The @MDSP mobile field force team provided security support to restore peace at the U.S. Capitol building and assisted the @DCPoliceDept throughout the night. We remain in close communication with DC officials and will continue to provide any further support that they require.
It is clear to me that President Trump has abandoned his sacred oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Our nation would be better off if Vice President Pence conducted the peaceful transition of power until President-elect Biden is inaugurated.
What we saw yesterday was not just an attack on the people’s representatives, our historic buildings, and our law enforcement. It was an attack on the rule of law, the foundations of self-government, and who we are as Americans. This assault on our democracy cannot stand.
Our institutions have held firm in the face of this attempted insurrection, but we remain at a very fragile moment, and each of us has a choice to make. We can either descend further into chaos, or we can rise above and meet this test with real courage and patriotism.
You can follow @GovLarryHogan.
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