For four years you endured unfounded allegations & impeachments went through hundreds of hrs of investigations & millions of tax dollars.
For four years House & Senate members of the Democrat party incited their base to commit acts of violence against your supporters.
For four years House members & celebrities called for violence against your supporters, demanded we be hunted down and harassed while we dine out with our families or during peaceful protests.
They sat quietly when your supporters were spat upon & violently attacked.
For four years they looted our businesses and set them on fire, they destroyed public & private property costing billions of dollars & ruining many innocent lives & costing them their livelihoods. Many of them, their lives.
For twelve years they mocked the law, ambushed & assassinated our law enforcement officers, set ablaze our courthouses, removed religious & national symbols & anything else that represented law & order, patriotism, nationalism, pride, love & honor of our Constitutional Republic.
For four yrs they endlessly committed acts against you & your supporters, against our Constitutional principles, against rule of law, presumed guilty those they wanted to destroy, attacked our homes terrorized our families all because we live by different values & points of views
For four years we endured shameful insults from the democrats, from Hollywood celebrities, from athlete's.
The media tirelessly gleefully mocked & peddled their manufactured news creating disinformation that incited hatred & anger towards you & those who support you.
For four years we watched your family come under the most brutal & horrendous attacks that we have ever witnessed against a sitting President & his family. We watched as our First lady was misrepresented, mocked & insulted daily by the media & celebrity elites & Obama's.
For four years we witnessed crimes & treasons against you, this Republic & Her citizens as never before have we seen. We witnessed violent criminals being celebrated & memorialized & our heroes mocked & imprisoned. We watched in horror as our Police were hunted down & murdered.
For four years we watched our state, federal & supreme court's turn their backs towards Constitutional Laws allowing lawlessness to reign against the innocent, our liberties & protections being stripped from us on a daily basis causing wide spread injustices & loss of freedoms.
For four years we endured all these attacks & so much more because we dearly & truly want all Americans regardless of race or creed, values or principles, heritages or traditions to receive & benefit the very best of opportunities given to them from this Republic.
For four years you & your supporters endured these attacks thrown against us as our house & senate members of both parties, our law enforcement, state, federal & supreme courts did nothing to stop the lawlessness & have remained criminally silent during these events.
For four years these lawless acts against us have accumulated to one of the most unconscionable acts of betrayals we as Americans could have ever had against us when our elections were stolen from us & we watched in frustration as the election fraud was being quickly covered up.
What was more egregious were members of our own house & senate, our governors & mayors being involved in this election fraud & cover up. The deliberate act of treason to remove you from office & their threats of dismantling Constitutional & Electoral laws that would destroy us.
I can't even describe my own anger much less the combined anger of your 80 million supporters.
Our GOP house & senate members silently sat through our being victimized by the left all the while they themselves were scheming to remove you & shutting down our MAGA movement.
Yesterday. 4 patriots were killed by the very law enforcement they supported. 52 Patriots were arrested & charged with felony crimes. Suddenly protesting has become an act of sedition. Our law enforcement the envy & adoration of the left who for Twelve years attacked them.
Suddenly our house and senate members have sprung to life condemning protesters & calling them shameful. They've used this as an excuse to drop their support of the President refusing to challenge the election fraud to punish the President's supporters for daring to speak out.
Suddenly our house & senate have become alive & vivid demanding we surrender a stolen election over to the democrats. They've suddenly become self aware of their righteous indignation but it's aimed at the very ones who elected them into office with the of the President.
They were elected into office because the President supported & endorsed them & the cowards have now turned immediately around & stabbed him in the back & handed over our freedoms to the wolves to devour them.

And now they call us criminals & seditionists because we fight back.
We're very angry & we have every right to be. We're past the hurt, the frustration, the victimization of the left & right of our government. We're done being tolerant of their dereliction of duty. We're sick of their corruption & their carefree criminal activities.
It ends now.
The President's supporters wanted nothing more than to resolve these issues as peacefully as humanly possible, but we lost the backing of those we elected, our courts turned their backs on the spirit of the law leaving our grievances unaddressed & our being abandoned & betrayed.
What then are we to do when our government no longer represents us, courts no longer hear us, law enforcement we spiritedly supported turns against us. Where are we to turn if not turn over our freedoms & Constitutional protections allowing them to subjugate us.
You know where.
Like so many of my fellow Americans.
I'm tired, I'm mistrustful of anything that comes from our politicians & medias mouths.
I want peace, I need for our constitution to remain the highest law of the land for without those fragile documents we are no longer free men & women.
We rely upon our elections so that we can pick men & women to represent us, to be our voices. We did not elect them to rule over us & to empower or enrich themselves.
If they are allowed to rob us of our elections, then they can take away our ability to be heard & represented.
They've taken away all our peaceful alternatives to resolve this. At some point we'll have to decide how important our families freedoms & safety are to us & make even harder decision's on how best to fight against those who have made us their sworn enemies.
We've no alternative
They have no idea the irreparable harm they have rained down upon us committing these wide spread election frauds & betrayals.
Or do they?

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin....
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