1) Today I am thinking of the Reichstag Fire, the Beer Hall Putsch, and the Turner Diaries. In 1933, the German Parliament building was burnt to the ground.
2) Nazi leadership was quick to blame the left for the event and used it as justification in suspending civil liberties, banning publications, and imprisoning thousands of socialists and labor activists, subsequently cementing Nazi rule.
3) Post-war analysis shows that the fire's circumstances very likely indicate that Nazis were aware of / involved in planning and starting the fire.
4) When Mo Brooks blames the left for yesterday's attack on the capitol, of which there is significant documentation showing it was planned by an alt-right coalition, he is living out a long set precedence of using right wing violence to generate further of the left.
5) When the alt-right attacks the capitol, they are looking at strategic attempts by fascists in Europe's past to gain a national platform and override democratic structures.
6) They are quite literally reenacting scenes from the most formative, and disgusting, book in the history of the American alt-right. We must understand these connections if we are to end fascism's long shadow here. We are not alone. Our lineage is strong and full of hope.
7) For more information on the connection between yesterday's siege and the Turner Diaries please read this excellent thread by @kathleen_belew https://twitter.com/kathleen_belew/status/1347168470920794112?s=20
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