Understand that Trump was never going to voluntarily be a martyr to a cause. His base motivations are not of that kind. Now he will be an involuntary martyr because his political enemies will attempt to prosecute and persecute him after his term of office concludes.
Had Trump brought a million people to the National Mall, and led them peacefully, at the van, to the Capitol building and there given a stirring speech, we'd be having a different conversation today. Instead there was a counter-coup against a non-existent putsch.
And Trump is now being "managed" by Pence's loyalists in cooperation with the Speaker and the current and incoming Senate Majority Leaders. Had Trump been willing to lead his people and risk assassination, which surely would have come, then today he'd be immortalized.
Trump chose cooperation with the powers of the deep state and, at bottom, he misled his followers because he's not an ideologue but a pragmatist, trained to value peace and stability above all things. He was never the martyr for the cause he inspired. He had no plan.
When you have a cult following, you have to plan the end game. When Trump announced that he would never capitulate, it was a rhetorical flourish that his loyalists interpreted literally. To people who are only tenuously in touch with reality it was a signal.
The signal of and end game for which neither Trump nor his followers were prepared for. I, personally, laud the spirit and manliness shown by Americans on 1/6/20. I call them Januaryists. It was not their job to have a plan. It was their job to heed the call when it came.
Trump's prerecorded stand down message was calculated to defuse what he knew was coming and had no ability to see through. This is the irresponsible part. This is where the gut instincts failed him because he's not a strategist.
If the message was recorded in real time, then it was under duress. The bottom line is that Trump never had the institutional support to pull off any delay or interruption in the transition of power, upon which the entire world and trillions of dollars depend.
Nothing was ever going to be permitted to thwart that process. Nothing. The deep state would have killed him almost certainly. The US has a ruling class. Not in name but in reality. It is a matrix of bureaucratic and corporate power. Elected officials are figureheads.
This matrix is center-left in political composition, neoliberal in economic policy, interventionist in foreign policy, and has developed a sort of civic hagiography around what are essentially corrupt institutions available for hire.
Like most human institutions these I'm speaking tend to be populated by two echelons: those who believe in their sacred mission, and those who are of the pragmatic or even cynical variety. They are, through nearly 250 years of hardening, antifragile and will not topple easily.
While the show of spirit on 1/6 was beautiful and inspiring, it was never intended to be a putsch and never threatened a real center of power, which does not lie principally with elected officials. Only those in the presidential line of succession or chairs of key committees.
The required action against the gangster government in Washington that has been so long in coming is inexorable, as the laws of God and Nature will not be long mocked without consequence. That day is coming, but is not yet, nor will it be tomorrow or the next day.
This is a trans-generational struggle. The organization, the subculture, the cooperation, the development of allies in the deep state, the leadership, the tactics, the plan of battle... none of this is ready...yet.
But like a jackal waiting for the tyrannizing lion to weaken and weary, so must the sons of January wait for their moment, when the evil regime shall be ripe to fall, and then they must be ready, or their sons be ready.
And in that day the sons of the January Uprising will reclaim the republic from the gangsters, bombers, torturers, warmongers, thieves, cronies, and assorted criminals and restore that republic, under God, to glory and a new beginning. Press Tweet.
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