
Yahoos sitting in / breaking a few doors / stealing candy from a drawer / carting off a lectern is really just political theater and should be punished, yes, but lightly.

This is true for both sides. BLM breaking into a court house, MAGA breaking into the Capitol.

Destruction of private property (burning down cars, small businesses, etc.) should be punished much more severely.

(Which is to say, I agree w some talking point by Blue over the summer: democracy is sometimes rowdy...and if you want democracy, that's what you signed up for).

Needless to say, this is a Kegan 4 point.

Trespassing and political theater by both sides should be treated the same.

Arson, grand theft auto, assault, etc. by both sides should also be treated the same.

There's a libertarian statement "when goods don't cross borders, tanks will".

To go off on a tangent: society needs pressure release valves. Smart systems are designed with them. Very smart systems are designed with multiple, at different pressure levels.


Now, I'm not a fan of democracy, and I don't really care if it "works" or falls, but I'm talking about democracy in a systems engineering sense.

When you engineer a democracy you want people to be able to vote, and to protest ... and even to double secret probation protest

The penalties should ramp up as you push further towards the sovereign's real power.

Voting has no penalties, because it's the officially encouraged op / outlet.

Street protests, similar.

Some degree of theater should be tacitly tolerated, with tolerable penalties, >>>

as a honeypot.

Let the radicals break in and have a sit-down protest once every few years, give everyone a $500 fine and a long weekend in jail, they all feel like proud martyrs, and the system trundles on.

...but if any of the protesters burn down buildings, or harm people, shoot them on sight.

If you allow the LARP, and "sell" it at $500 per person, people LARP a few times, and then they're satiated and out of money.

But if you hit LARPers with 5-10 year prison terms ...

Then you get the old Chinese story.

"What's the penalty for lateness? Death."


"What's the penalty for rebellion? Also Death."


You want a system that chews up and shorts to ground the protest urge.
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