no one is beyond redemption, but that doesn't mean that everyone is worth *engaging* - it is becoming clearer and clearer that there are many who cannot be persuaded, and who must, therefore, be defeated
there are topics and times suited to compromise, to be sure - and there are moments that demand nothing short of decisive victory
the question is how we go about loving such neighbors
and loving the neighbors they would seek to harm, if not prevented
we are to love our enemies - but heaven help us, let's be clear that we have enemies
I will pray that God soften the hearts of the wicked and turn them from their ways - but there comes a point when only supernatural means can do that, and all *we* can do is pray and then fight like hell to prevent the harm that would come with allowing them to hold power
"and one's foes will be members of one's own household"

what group identities and loyalties keep us from acknowledging our foes - foes of Christ's Gospel - where we encounter them?

I have foes who share my blood, my identities, my history - do you?
the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. I, for my part, will choose to seek the kingdom of God and its justice.
"do not even eat with such a one"
we are, to be sure, called to oppose division and seek unity - but opposing division does not require pretending division is not present when it is. unity is not served by false reconciliation
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