One thing we can see here is that there's now a quiet and undeclared conflict between different US law enforcement agencies who've chosen opposite loyalties, or different factions within the same agency.

The Capitol Police clearly let the attackers in and let them out. +
(For those who want to argue, there's clear video of one opening one of the barricade gates, of another snapping selfies with the invaders, of others helping the invaders downstairs and letting them go.)

DC Police just vanished, though for protests they put 100s of cops out. +
Now DOJ has a release saying FBI and other agencies will be tracking down and arresting the invaders - the same people the Capitol Police had in their hands and let go.

Will they go after collaborators in the police forces too? Seems unlikely to me, but it's now conceivable. +
This raised police collaboration with white supremacists and right wing terrorists to a higher level of national visibility than it's had before.

The left has always known it - "Cops and Klan go hand in hand" - but mass media & most of the public make up excuses for them. +
Making those excuses just got harder - it was too open and too serious.

People within the FBI have urged a crackdown on white supremacists and demanded we take domestic terrorism seriously for years now. Congressional Republicans have kept shooting it down. (You know why.) +
I hope the new admin will push them to do that ASAP.

The DOJ spent *years* and heaps of money 4 years ago trying to prosecute inauguration protestors for things like conspiracy to walk in the street, or to spray-paint. They just might take this proportionally more seriously. +
... if we're lucky, and if we push for it.

If you want to see it, push your Democratic or even Republican representatives and senators for a full federal investigation of militant racist and neo-Nazi groups. Give them cover, because the GOP will desperately try to prevent it.
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