Why the LNA under Haftar are not rebels and why the GNA is not a legitimate government despite having paper recognition from the UN 🧵
1️⃣ The LNA are loyal to the House of Representatives who were democratically elected in 2014 however the results were disputed by the Supreme Constitutional Court after pressure from various armed militias.
2️⃣ In 2015 the GNA was formed and recognised as a transitional government after the instability going on Libya. A transitional government is a temporary gov which has an expiry date. We can clearly see that according to the Skhirat agreement the GNA’s mandate expired in 2017
3️⃣ That puts an end to the lie that Khalifa Haftar and the LNA are ‘rebelling’ since the GNA (the gov they’re apparently rebelling against) had its mandate and legitimacy expired and gone in 2017
4️⃣ As we mentioned earlier the LNA are loyal to the House of Representatives who were democratically elected in 2014. Gen. Haftar was called upon by the Libyan people to dismantle the militias who were destabilising Libya and consequently he launched ‘Operation Dignity’
5️⃣ Those who oppose the LNA and Haftar are all over the place first they say that he’s a Salafi extremist, well let’s look at some of the opponents of the LNA, below is a mercenary who fought for various terrorist groups such as FSA ISIS etc. whom are aligned with the GNA
6️⃣ The second accusation is that he’s a secular western agent. Quite the contrary Gen. Haftar was given religious legitimacy for his bid to take over Tripoli by various scholars in Saudi Arabia such as the renowned Rabee Al-Madkhali and Osama Ataya Al-Otaibi.
7️⃣ Not only is the GNA’s mandate expired but they continue to commit atrocities in the areas they control after their legitimacy had gone. Here’s a video of militias loyal to them looting burning and torturing civilians homes
Another incident which shows their crimes https://twitter.com/rabdantv/status/1271579861358981122
8️⃣ The GNA, its militias and the areas it controls are responsible for the notorious migrant crisis dubbed the ‘Slave Trade’ which tainted the image of the Libya and its people. Militias loyal to the GNA are known for torturing migrants seeking to go to Europe
9️⃣ In October of Last year authorities in Tripoli finally arrested the UN-sanctioned Abdulrahman al-Milad a vile human trafficker who tortured migrants seeking to cross to Europe he’s employed by the GNA aka the expired gov in Tripoli who are recognised on paper by the UN.
🔟 Here is Al-Milad and how he treats the migrants and how he traffickers them caught on Camera (Source Vice on HBO)
1️⃣1️⃣ When a Vice reporter interviewed Tahir El-Sonni a senior GNA advisor he admitted that

- GNA is not the best gov
- GNA was only a temporary gov
- The economy was a failure
- Militias have more control of the country than the GNA
1️⃣2️⃣ In conclusion

- Loyal to the HofR who were democratically elected
- Backed by Libyan Trial leaders
- Endorsed by religious scholars
- Fights against terrorists
- Patriots

- Expired
- Employs human traffickers
- Tortures civilians
- Failed government
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