Let’s talk about what we see here. These are obviously negative pressure rooms but they are designed by an asshole. #Thread 🧵 here’s why. https://twitter.com/ctulocal1/status/1346924214327123970
Some basic lab air management science.
A lab with good ventilation or “Air Turnover” will fully exchange its air roughly every 30-45min. This air can be filtered and recycled, a total air replacement or a mix of both.
A labs next consideration for its air exchange is what are they wanting to remove with the air? Heavier than air gasses, suspended particles (dust), VOC’s? This dictates where you place the extraction vents and how the fresh air enters.
If we take into account that #COVID19 leaves the body in two ways, suspended in the air and in heavier than air droplets. Where would you put the extraction vents?
You would put them as low as possible to draw the virus away from your face. Not like this shit that pulls the virus across your face. ( o- extractors in asshole location x- where extractors should be)
A setup that pulls the air down and out is called a down draft room.
In the picture you can also see the HEPA filter unit that they are using to ventilate the rooms. Great, not needed if you vent the rooms directly outside to a non-occupied area. That’s not what they are doing here. In asshole move 2 (a movie title I am claiming)...
... the vent dumps into the room you are trying to isolate the children from!
Even with a medical grade Hepa filter, you will not catch all of the virus. This hose should go outside.
There is an old waste phrase that applies here; The solution to pollution is dilution. The virus is the pollution.

This knowledge has been around since the 20’s when appropriate TB care and treatment was being developed. And can be done cheaper and easier than this shit.
That’s my @TEDTalks for today, thanks for coming.
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