things you should know when deciding to be child-free: a thread
after thinking about it for a long time, you’ve decided having kids is not for you. that’s ok! your feelings & choices are valid. so here are some things to keep in mind when deciding to be child-free!
#1: not everyone will “get” your decision. you might get comments like “you’ll change your mind” or “you’ll regret it when you're older.” excuuuse us?! hearing these remarks can get old after a while, so don’t be afraid to set boundaries!
#2: you can enjoy being around kids. there’s a misconception that child-free people don’t like kids but you can still enjoy babysitting nieces/nephews, or coaching a soccer team. having fun with kids and raising them are very different things!
#3: you can have a family. probs one of the worst things to say to a child-free person is “but don’t you want a family?!” hellooo, families come in all shapes and sizes. partners, relatives and close friends can make your heart just as full!
#4: you & your partner can focus on a strong relationship. being child-free means you can put more time and energy into quality time & communication. plus your friday night sushi tradition can stay alive and well!
#5: you won’t deal with as much financial stress. choosing to be child-free reduces A LOT of extra financial planning. spend those dolla bills however you please
#6: your time is yours. not only the freedom to make plans at a moment’s notice but your “me time” can stay uninterrupted! your schedule = entirely up to you
#7: there’s less external pressure. parents deal with a ton of judgment and have to make a million little decisions every day, like breastfeeding vs. formula or how much screen time is too much. maybe you make enough decisions as it is - that’s okay!
#8: your life can be fulfilling. you could be working on publishing a novel, starting a charity, or finding a cure for fucking cancer. maybe you enjoy the little things, like a warm cup of coffee in the morning. happiness comes in many forms
if you’re child-free, what are some things you’ve learned? share ‘em with us!
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