Republican politicians condemning the #TrumpCoupAttempt who are also not calling for his immediate removal and irrevocable prohibition from holding any federal office are nothing more than rats leaving a sinking ship.

The GOP will have no political future unless it does this.
Any conservative pundit who does not call for Trump's removal and permanent ban from federal office should never be invited onto any mainstream media TV show. Any right-wing columnist who fails to do this should be fired.

The MSM must show leadership here. It's easy. Do it.
Shareholders in any corp run by Rupert Murdoch must also demand his immediate resignation & that of his son, Lachlan. Both men deliberately poisoned the minds of hundreds of millions. They must pay for their sins.

No sports league, athlete, or celebrity should work w/them again.
CNN head Jeff Zucker must be immediately fired. He is directly responsible for Trump's rise in many ways. He approved "The Apprentice." He forced CNN shows to air hundreds of hours of Trump fascist rallies in 2016. He hired liars like Santorum, Miller, and McEnany.
All advertisers should withdraw sponsorships from Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, right-wing talk radio. They have been directly subsidizing the #TrumpCoupAttempt. They must stop today. Follow @mmfa and @slpng_giants for details on who to pressure and how to do it.
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, @OfficialDLive & other companies that provide social and monetary platforms to far-right insurrectionists must permanently ban them. They already know who they are.

Posting false claims about who did the #TrumpCoupAttempt must result in suspension.
The top priority for all left-wing political donors should be to fund thousands of lawsuits against right-wing media for producing defamatory lies about public officials, companies, and individuals.

Dominion has proven that this approach works. Don't wait a second longer!
It shouldn't be illegal to hold idiotic right-wing views. But you should never be allowed to publicly defame people. This is a legal remedy that is available TODAY and doesn't require constitutional amendments or complicated legislation.

Defamation laws work. Use them!
Finally, Facebook must be broken up. Zuckerberg, Sandberg, and Joel Kaplan must be fired by shareholders. The company must be forced to implement strict disinformation controls and open up its platform API completely. All social networks should permanently ban political ads.
These few steps if taken, would work greatly to restore trust and sanity in American democracy. Please share your own ideas on this tweet, I would love to see them!

Please help spread the word by retweeting the first post of this thread. Don't just "like" it, please.

Thanks! ❤️
Another remedy is that the FBI needs to be given more authority to investigate domestic terrorism.

This must be done carefully since it is citizens involved, but the present situation prevents the FBI from reading public statements of people not under active investigation.
Another step toward healing will be that Republican politicians who are invited onto television news programs should always be asked whether they agree with more than 60 courts that Joe Biden won the 2020 election fairly.

If you won't admit this then you shouldn't be invited.
President Biden should pursue federal audits of police & military forces to ensure that officers & servicemembers have no affiliations w/ extremist groups. More please.

This wouldn't require any new legislation and is already being done for Guard troops at the inauguration.
You can follow @mattsheffield.
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