Little thread:
The more I think about it, the more it annoys me that @jkenney had a FB Q&A last night.
One of the biggest days in US history, he had to know everyone was glued to their TVs and SM watching the chaos. So he decides "this is a perfect time for an unannounced Q&A!"?
2/ Is he so narcissistic that he had to try to pull attention away from one of the biggest events in political history in decades, just to trot out the same old "carbon tax, pipelines, insulting federal govt" tropes he always does?
I looked at the FB feed. He ignored all of the
3/ questions on coal mining contracts, physicians leaving, cuts to worker safety legislation, & more questions on MLA travel.
He used it to claim "but I AM available! I AM here!" without actually addressing the concerns of thousands of Albertans.
It was unprofessional &
4/ ill-timed, & truly did not benefit any Albertans.
It was merely to sooth his ego.
So @jkenney. You say you want to rebuild trust.
This is not the way to do it.
Schedule a press conference, preferably not during a major historical event. Don't pick & choose your questions.
5/ Answer the hard questions like: if you take responsibility for the travel of your MLA's, where are YOUR consequences? There have been no consequences to you other than your bruised ego. Why is it when things get tough, you disappear for days at a time?
You failed again.
You can follow @ember_november.
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