One thing about these protests and riots that keeps me asking, “where’s the money coming from?” I’ve spent a fair amount of time and treasure the past ten years or so volunteering in various political campaigns, organizing groups and — by far — the hardest thing ...
... is getting people to actually come out to protests. The people we usually get to come out have money or time. The people who have day jobs, where their time is not really their own may support the cause, but don’t have the time OR the ones for whom the protests are ....
... organized don’t have the money. Write your MOC? That takes the cost of stamps and paper and toner. Drive to a rally site? That takes a car and gas and insurance.... iPhones and data plans and internet... that takes money ... A LOT OF MONEY, considering most ....
... folks who do this type of thing also need stable housing, so factor in rent, heating, etc. Take a look at that crowd yesterday; there is a lot of expensive gear in that crowd. Where does that money come from? Where does their TIME come from? These are the questions...
... I would like journalists to be asking. FOLLOW THE MONEY and you’ll get your answers about who these insurrectionists really are. They ain’t “nobody listens to me white men named Bubba who live in a double-wide on a flood plain in the South.” They are upper/middle ...
... class white dudes who have means. They simply want more power and privilege than they already have. Everything else is just a good narrative that the #FreePressMedia is comfortable with. But it is a lie. -30-
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