*Thread* - Spiritual Warfare

Victory in the Earth Game - Energy, Spirit, Passion, Motivation, Power
"Spiritual warfare" is being thrown around a lot

Pointing at the bad guys is not a solution

It solves nothing, makes them alert, & gets you silenced

Darkness is the absence of light
Darkness can not be deleted or defeated

Only adding more light resolves it
The earth game we are playing is not to remove the darkness

It's to increase the light

If you are broke & you remove somebody who is rich

You are still broke

Removing the light or darkness from someone else does not increase your light
Energy wasted complaining about the powerful (dark)

Could have been used to become more powerful (light)

Focusing on power in others, neglecting power & potential within

It's a cry for help

But neither man nor the universe wants to help someone who is not helping themselves
What is "spirit"?

It is the energy flowing through you

Not in the woo woo hippie sense

But a combination of known factors coming together as your 'energy'
Sexual Energy:

Blood Flow

In you look between your legs there should hopefully be a reproductive organ

This is 50% of what creates a human life, another being with energy & spirit
Supplements that enhance 'sexual drive' pretty much just increase blood flow & sensitivity

More blood flow = more nutrients & energy flowing through the body

Caffeine increases heart rate & adrenaline, making the heart pump faster

Artificially triggering energy to increase
Notice how almost everyone on the planet needs caffeine


Other vital organs/hormones which provide energy are suppressed/under-performing/inhibited

Kids don't use caffeine yet are bouncing around with energy
Caffeine is one of many factors such as social media stimulation, porn, sugars, etc

Which trigger dopamine receptors (another element in the game of spiritual warfare)

Introducing more dopamine for a sustained period, the body adapts and starts producing less dopamine
It also becomes less sensitive to dopamine

At this point the caffeine is literally needed to feel normal

Dopamine is what motivates us to do things, the reward center

When it loses sensitivity...
- Impossible to focus
- Needs 20x stronger reasons to exert energy to do anything
Now if we look at ATP

Remember the whole "mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" stuff in school?

That's ATP, which is pretty much energy

"Ask & you shall receive"

We don't get surplus oxygen & bloodflow until we start running
We only store 11 seconds of ATP

Once demand is seen via action more is produced & supplied

- When there is no demand
- When the ATP cycle becomes corrupted/inhibited
- When dopamine receptors are fried making it difficult to do anything

We crave something...
Glucose aka sugars & refined carbohydrates

Notice how this is not hunger for nutrients & real food

🔑Which is why healthy food is not craved as spirit diminishes

It's craving for ENERGY

So the craving is then consumed to provide spike in 'energy'
Habit forms & nutritionally bankrupt foods are needed for energy & become the default menu of consumption

In this state the body becomes inflamed (stressed)

Having to work hard to breakdown foods which don't give it nutrition in return
Inflammation/Stressors in the body = more density

More density = less flow of energy/spirit through body

Less flow = lower vibration

Lower vibration = lower mood

Lower mood = lower thoughts

(e)motion is energy in motion
This is how biology makes psychology

Humans are the only animal which can trigger a healing response & a stress response purely from thinking

How we interpret what is going on effects the expression of genes

Two people can see the same thing....
- One views it as a scary obstacle

It makes him worry & becomes anxious

- The other views it as an opportunity

It makes him curious & excited

The interpretation is not just a difference in their psychology & 'mental models'

It's a difference in their biology
A more inflamed biology as we mentioned = lower vibration, which = lower mood

Meaning the mind resonates with & feels more natural with lower/more dense/more repressive thoughts

vs the less inflamed biology

which feels more natural with expressive/light/higher thoughts
It's difficult to fit this all on twitter lol

But hopefully this gives a introduction & some food for thought

Let me know if you'd like to see more on this topic

Thank you for reading

- Yous
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