I am so proud of my fourth graders and the questions and observations they had about yesterday's terrorist attack. Students brought up white privilege, why would he do this, why would they do this? All I did was guide and answer and show pictures.
I didn't even get a chance to bring it up. My plan was to ask, "Does anyone have questions or comments about what happened yesterday?" But right after Bop or Flop and attendance a kid went, "Can we talk about what happened yesterday in DC?" And they just went.
I played Public Enemy's "Louder Than a Bomb" for our Bop or Flop and a kid during the song went, "Did you pick this song because of yesterday?"
Not gonna share the parent email I got just now, but basically it's "inappropriate to talk about rioting and shooting with 9-10 year olds". I replied that it's history and the kids brought it up. Also mentioned we're gonna teach the American Revolution soon...riots and shooting.
Hey, so that parent that emailed me? She just requested her child be put in a different fourth grade class because various reasons including talking about current events isn't right for 4th grade and I might bring it up again.
I mention it not to shame the parent, but to...
...give the full picture of what it's like when we talk about reality. Some parents don't think their kids should be exposed to what is happening in the world. That's their prerogative, but in my classroom everything is a chance to learn. I'm not gonna fight her. But it sucks.
I can only imagine the Facebook thread that is happening somewhere right now
Oh damn, one last update-
My principal just backed me alllll the way up in a follow up email and totally supported me and defended me to the parent.
Damn, that is so validating and feels really good.
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