Putting together a thread of online and paper resources for Junior cycle science, to help with keeping a track of what to use for the next few weeks. If anyone has suggestions they would be greatly appreciated!
Free) Jcscience - this is a website that directly links learning outcomes to relevant videos. Great for saving time trawling through websites/YouTube looking for appropriate videos. also has some links to science articles.
(Free trial) @examrevision4u - a great resource for powerpoints, quizzes, exam questions etc. Also has video tutorials on each topics in both science and other subjects https://examrevision.ie 
(FREE) The conical flask - has many powerpoints, quizzes, and worksheets for JC science, and for LC Biology and Chemistry.
Great range of resources
(PAID - BOOK AND ONLINE) Science Solutions - A very well spent €20, gives you access to book, which has many many worksheets, and then all online resources of powerpoints, revision sheets, schemes, worksheets (and solutions) from a login code on the book. Great bank of resources
(Paid - book only) €15 - Jc science question bank - great for having questions to scan in for students to tackle.
(Free) Scoilnet, as always, there is an abundance of teachers uploading linked resources to Scoilnet, according to learning outcomes. https://www.scoilnet.ie 
As seen in my screenshot above, one of my favourite resources that i use at least once a week in my own classroom, @Mikekav66 bank of questions. AN excellent bank of questions to have 👏🏼, and shared completely free.
(Paid) Shine at science revision workbooks - one teacher has put together revision aids on JC science, where students develop their own notes - used these in the last lockdown for my LC students, worth it (€12.50)
(Free) RSC - have an abundance of free resources in helping teach chemistry topics, including a huge range of videos to help you teach topics, or for kids to do some small experiments themselves from home! https://edu.rsc.org 
Free - been directed to this, both English version and Irish versions of most resources, has loads of comprehension style questions, loads of resources, cant believe I didn’t know it existed! http://www.scienceteacher.ie/ 
Free - Another great bank of videos, would be suitable for both JC science and LC Biology/Physics/Chemistry

http://Quizlet.com  have a great range of quizzes specifically for Junior cert (and of course leaving cert), so great for setting quizzes for key terms!
Another great recommendation - plenty of quizzes for junior cycle science! https://quizizz.com/collection/590996b26bf6991300799839
A wonderful bank of resources from @Mikekav66, including presentations, worksheets, assessments, some projects. Fantastic as always 👏 https://sites.google.com/staugustines.ie/jcscienceresources/
Phet - Don't know how I forgot, but @ericadentt98 made sure to remind me about online simulations on Phet 😂😭 (always work better on a laptop rather than a tablet) great for modelling, and visuals, especially since we're not in labs!
http://NASA.gov  - always a great source for earth and space projects! Especially with info. On all previous missions
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