There are a whole lot of white people implicitly separating themselves from the people at the capital yesterday. They are shocked, wondering aloud how this possibly could have happened, they are condemning Trump supporters, nationalists, the far right, etc.
But the ignorance and entitlement to believe that the election was stolen, the boldness to do what was done yesterday, and the lack of consequences are all wrapped up in whiteness. If you are white and don’t understand what happened yesterday, you do not understand yourself.
If the rioters didn’t have your skin color, they wouldn’t get away with this. They wouldn’t try it in the first place. Our reaction should then be divestment from whiteness, Not condemnation of some white subgroup.
If you’re Christian, we would call this lament, corporate confession, and repentance. But repentance in the sense of a tangible change to your life, Not merely feeling sorry
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