I said this yesterday: TheQuartering and people like him all start as that one little shitheel on Twitter with 6 numbers in their name-the pipeline is a thing. They don't just magically 'blow up'-they have safety in numbers because LARGE PLATFORMS DO NOT SMACK FASCISTS down. https://twitter.com/djmuel_/status/1347029546273411077
"we don't know how gaming got so bad" black and trans people been yelling at y'all about how it got so bad for DECADES and then y'all spend more time making little shitty Twitter threads about how trying to do the right thing is hard/draining than ACTUALLY DOING THE RIGHT THING.
Y'all let Steph, Confetti, Zombae, Cypher, Tolvo, myself, all these fucking black and trans non-men endure countless streams of agitation and stress because we say the important shit out loud and y'all don't know how to 'parse that' and just let little fascists have a field day.
But when we ACTUALLY start smacking these little assholes down you want to lecture us about 'being nicer', 'being more understanding', 'being more mature' and all this other bullshit. Y'all always have MORE ENERGY to keep us in check that you do popping fascists in the mouth.
Then want to be Thundershook (not Pikachu face fucking THUNDERSHOOK) when more little shitty extremist platforms and channels keep popping up 24/7. When more shitty and fascist or fascist free-range channels thrive.
Dear god this part. https://twitter.com/AngriRiku/status/1347225547273867267
White people: "if you engage the trolls you give them power. You're building them-youre helping them! Just don't engage and let them be shitty, loud, and wrong. People will see eventually. 🙄"
Also white people: "we don't understand why these channels/platforms are still so popular. We've done nothing (or tried to resolve things the so-called civil way) and we're all out of ideas!"
who would've thought that JUST LETTING ASSHOLES HAVE SPACE FOR FASCISTS AND BIGOTS TO BREATHE FREELY would have adverse consequences.

Who could've saw that coming.

Don't get under this tweet with smart aleck ass answers, either, shit is rhetorical.
Start taking these assholes seriously (like we've been telling you to do). They're not all mouthbreathing hilljacks making homemade mollies. They're platformed, they're politicians, they're businesspeople, they're gamers, and they are actively recruiting.

Resistance pants.
so, not a silly question, and I think fair of unpacking: https://twitter.com/Rawr_Mom/status/1347229180287741952
Blocking, muting, and setting standards for the community you want to be in/create is self-care. End of.
when I make the decision to BLOCK YOU from my communities, that is my clear and concise message that you are not welcome here, flat out. I am uninterested in appeals/discussions, because chances are I tried to resolve it in some way and you were like 'but bigotry is so good!'
Blocking/banning is not inaction. You are making the decision to remove someone from the space.

More people removing bigots/fascists from the space means they get less access to things they think they're entitled to.
More often than not when people say 'just ignore them' they want you to just plug your ears and pretend they don't exist, but not really do anything to address them.

Fuck them.
Catch blocks.
You don't get to watch me do Hitless Dark Souls 3. Get yeeted into the sun.
it's why I've loudly said 'no cake for transphobes. no games for fascists. no cookies for racists. no goods for supremacists.'

they only 'understand' when they start losing access en masse. Period.
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