Ghayrah in Islam ( Protective Jealousy )

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Ghayrah is an Arabic word which means a person's dislike of another's sharing in a right. It has a sense of earnest concern or zeal over something and can be considered a kind of protective jealousy.
In Islam, there are different kinds of Ghayrah: that which relates to Allah and which relates to a Muslim.

It is a good type of jealousy, like when a man feels jealous or protective over his wife or sisters and other-womenfolk and doesn’t like other men to look at them.
It is a natural inbuilt feeling Allah has given men and women.

All Muslim men should have a collective sense of protectiveness for Muslim women as Allah says in the Qur’an, the meaning of which is:

“The Men are the protectors and maintainers of women…” (4:34)
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah from the Prophet
( PBUH ) that he said: “Allah has protective jealousy, and the protective jealousy of Allah is provoked when the believer does something that Allah has forbidden.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (4925) and Muslim (2761).
The protective jealousy that Allah attributes to Himself is provoked either when a believer commits that which is forbidden to him, or when immoral deeds are committed, either openly or secretly.
O Brothers, Protect your women in Islam from having the eyes of another man set on her, for indeed Allah hates those men who have no Ghayrah
It's not an insecurity to have Gheerah (protective jealousy) over your significant other in a monogamous relationship. You should have Gheerah over them because they deserve it, but to an extent where it's not toxic. In Islam, it's your partners right.
You shouldn't be sharing your partner with anyone, and they shouldn't be sharing you as a partner either. The way people label it "insecurities".
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, said, “Among protective jealousy is what Allah loves and hates. As for what Allah loves, it is jealousy when there is probable cause. As for what Allah hates, it is jealousy without probable cause.”

Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 1996
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