Covid's real, the numbers aren’t

This is place of death data from CDC: 2020 compared to previous years. It says 2 things:

True Covid deaths are at most half of CDC Covid-labeled deaths

Lockdowns kill more than Covid

Graph compares Feb-Sep 2020 to previous years' Feb-Sep

Why Feb-Sep?

Covid started in Feb.
More recent (Nov/Dec) CDC data is incomplete.
Looks at Covid in terms of flu seasons (which start in Oct).

2020 data is broken into non-Covid-labeled (orange) and Covid-labeled (red).


Here's what the data is telling us:
Deaths at Decedent’s Home (choosing to die at home, heart attacks, strokes, etc)

Category jumped +61,706

Covid median time from symptom onset to respiratory distress is 8-12 days, time to go to hospital to fight Covid

Covid-labeled deaths at home likely not Covid deaths

Outpatient/ER Deaths

Category up 8,412

Again, Covid median time from symptom onset to respiratory distress is 8-12 days. Unlikely dying from Covid in ER prior to admission.

Covid-labeled deaths at home outpatient/ER likely misattributed

Nursing Home/LTC Deaths

Category up 35,142

LTC residents choosing not to go to hospital to fight Covid, likely in frail condition such that Covid is not underlying cause of death.

Covid-labeled deaths at Nursing Home/LTC likely misattributed.

Deaths at Other locations

Category up 16,893

People are not dying of Covid at work or while out and about.

Covid-labeled deaths at “Other” locations likely misattributed.

Hospice Deaths

Non-Covid-labeled deaths plummeted by 44,087

Why? They're in hospice, by definition in condition where life saving measures are not to be taken.

Covid-labeled deaths at Hospice are misattributed.

But where are the missing Hospice deaths?

Where are the missing Hospice deaths?

Likely transferred out to hospital or decedent’s home.

Transfer to hospital to prevent Covid spread in hospice facility (likely because had Covid).

Transfer to home to have contact w/loved ones (may or may not have had Covid).

Haven’t seen any evidence of people leaving hospice en masse to die at home. Have seen facilities make visitation exceptions and allow contact w/dying residents.

No matter where they moved, hospice deaths aren’t Covid deaths.

Likely most of the 37,772 missing hospice deaths were transferred to hospital.

This means 37,772 of the hospital Covid total were likely transferred hospice patients and should not be attributed to Covid.

The transfer of patients to hospital to reduce spread at facilities may have also been occurring at LTC facilities. However, that can’t be estimated from this data. Such transfers of frail people from LTC facilities would further depress Covid count.

Hospital Inpatients deaths (most likely place for a true Covid victim to die)

Category jumped +182,269

46,583 Non-Covid
135,686 CDC Covid-labeled (37,772 from hospice/likely not Covid)

97,914 non-hospice CDC Covid-labeled deaths
84,355 non-Covid deaths

Final tally for Feb-Sep 2020 based on Place of Death:

268,799 Total excess deaths
97,914 Max estimated Covid deaths (36.4% of excess)
167,762 Est. non-Covid excess deaths (62.4% of excess)

The CDC 208,072 Covid-labeled deaths is nonsense
(3,123 were “DOA” & “unknown”)

This doesn’t account for how many CDC Covid-labeled deaths in hospital were “with” and not “from” Covid.
W/up to 100,000,000 infected. Close to 1/3 of people could test pos or have Covid history that could go on death cert and into CDC stats, so 98,000 represents a maximum

So looking at Place of Death data from the CDC for last flu season (ending Sep 30):

We took a disease that killed at most 98,000 people (2017-2018 flu killed 61,000)

And foolishly and needlessly added at least 168,000 dead Americans.


We are the disease.

Of course these aren’t exact numbers, but I maintain the vast majority of Home, ER, Hospice, LTC & Other deaths aren't from Covid. Any inaccuracies are balanced by over counting in remaining 98,000 Covid-labeled deaths. Think of Covid deaths like these:
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